Intel has unveiled their latest Core i7 processors for laptops, and also announced details of upcoming mobile technologies, at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, California. During the keynote address by David (Dadi) Perlmutter, executive vice president and general manager, Intel Architecture Group, the newest Core i7 processors were presented as being focused towards the most demanding PC users who create digital video, play intense games or run compute-intensive business applications. These new quad core processors and chipset are based on Intel’s Nehalem platform, and include Intel’s Turbo Boost, and Hyper-Threading technologies.
“Staying connected on an increasingly broad array of mobile devices has become the most exciting and quickly evolving part of technology,” said Perlmutter. “Intel is delivering the total mobile experience on each device, offering different levels of performance and power in sleek form factors coupled with compatibility, a superior mobile Internet experience and embedded WiMAX wireless broadband. We’re truly taking mobility to the next level of cool.”