I have always wished I could come up with a better way to migrate documents from one machine to the another as well as accessing my work and personal documents from any machine easily. I finally got fed up when I started going through my backup drive. I found multiple revisions of my documents in different folders from many PC migrations. I couldn’t find anything if my life depended on it.
Off I went on a search for a tool to keep me in sync. I have had a Dropbox account for a long time but never really used it. Decided to download the software to see how seamless I could make the setup. I was very surprised how easy it was to get setup and moving. Now whenever I migrate to a new desktop or laptop I don’t need to worry about copying my documents. Whenever I need a different revision of a document it is at my finger tips. Whenever I need to access a document at a public machine I can do it.
I don’t know how I got along for so long without it. If you haven’t started to use Dropbox I would suggest you head over to dropbox.com and download the utility. There are clients for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android and Blackberry. You will be kicking yourself that it took you this long… I know I did.